3D Surface Plotter  1.0.0
Create 3D Surface Charts for Any Math Function
User Guide


This User Guide contains several demo examples used to explain how to apply the Surface3DLib class library to create various 3D surface plots in the Unity game engine. These demos are created and tested in Unity version 2021.3.2f1. The Surface3DLib library is a .NET Standard 2.0 class libary, which should be platform independent and should work in other Unity versions as well.

How this Guide is Organized

This User Guide is organized into nine sections, each of which covers a different topic about using our class library. The following summaries of each section should give you an overview of this User Guideā€™s content:

  • Section 1, Get Started

    This section explains how to add the Surface3DLib class library to your Unity project and how to set up the packages and tools required to create 3D surface plots.

  • Section2, Demo: Built-in Math Functions

    This demo illustrates how to create 3D surface plots in Unity using the Surface3DLib library and the built-in math functions. You can create different 3D surface charts with various colormaps by selecting different built-in math functions and colormaps from the dropdown enumerations in the Inspector.

  • Section3, Demo: Animating Sinc Function

    This demo explains how to animate the parameters used to create the built-in Sinc function.

  • Section 4, Demo: Animating Peaks Function

    This demo shows how to animate the parameters used to create the built-in Peaks function.

  • Section 5, Demo: Animating Exponential Function

    This demo illustrates how to animate the parameters used to create the built-in Exponential function.

  • Section 6, Demo: Animating Sine-Cosine Function

    This demo shows how to animate the parameters used to create the built-in Sine-Cosine function.

  • Section 7, Demo: Custom Colormaps

    This demo explains how to create your own custom colormap for a 3D surface plot. Here, we use the built-in Peaks function as an example.

  • Section 8, Demo: Texture Mapping

    This demo explains how to map an image texture onto a 3D surface. Here, we use the built-in Peaks function as an example.

  • Section 9, Demo: Custom Math Function from User

    This demo shows how to create your own math function and how to use it to create a custom 3D surface plot.